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Memorial Weekend Hiking anyone?

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Memorial Weekend Hiking anyone? Empty Memorial Weekend Hiking anyone?

Post by Trail Monkey Tue May 12, 2009 10:41 pm

Just wondering if anyone has a planed over night or weekend trip for Memorial Day. I may be off and was looking to maybe get one last one in before summer is upon us with the #*&^*&^ heat. I would be available Sat Sun and Mon. and if needed I could prob get Fri off if I don't have to much going on at work. Let me know if anyone is interested. I would prob perfer a trail on a river somewhere. Either ERL or Buff. Lets see if I get any takers. lol
Trail Monkey
Trail Monkey
Master of the Arkansas Backcountry

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Join date : 2008-04-15
Age : 57
Location : Hernando MS

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Memorial Weekend Hiking anyone? Empty Re: Memorial Weekend Hiking anyone?

Post by Clif Wed May 13, 2009 6:45 am

Got a trip planned. Lake Charles, LA to see in-laws. Sad No hiking...not much fun..but You know...gotta do whut ya gotta do
Trail Guide

Posts : 256
Join date : 2009-01-15
Location : Bee Branch suburbs

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